Like most computer programs WAKEN™ and its big brother — PRIME™ crunch numbers. But they do so in accordance with ideas rooted in a method that originated in the earliest days of Western Culture. Pythagoras, one of the earliest practitioners of what eventually came to be called Numerology, was as interested in what a number meant as in what it measured. To his mind numbers were more than things to count with. He found in them keys to deeper secrets. He approached mathematics from more than one angle, with both lobes of his brain, so to speak; with his intuitive as well as his intellectual faculties. As did Plato. In his book, "Timaeus", Plato took numbers apart, analyzed them, "played" with them, and put them back together into elaborate relationships and ratios involving symbolism and metaphor on a scale far beyond anything we, with our technological and utilitarian attitudes, might consider sensible or level-headed today. The alphabet was viewed in a similar way since each letter could be reduced to a single digit according to its position in the alphabet. It too could provide a clue to greater things. The attitude was that the greatest mysteries are revealed in the smallest things. If something cannot be reduced then it is pure and true. If it is pure and true then it shares in the purity and truth governing the rest of the universe and may be studied like an element or building block and pieced together with other elements to provide a glimpse into the grand design. WAKEN™ looks after the numerological calculations for you. It points out inherited weaknesses and strengths; tells what to guard against; explains the forces that influence specific periods of time; and offers generally level-headed, common-sense advice. WAKEN™ can be anything from a curiosity to a party game to a catalyst for useful contemplation and insight. All that is needed to interpret its information is an open mind and the ability to relate and balance a wide range of human qualities and feelings. Some skills are necessary but they are largely skills similar to those used in making it through most days. WAKEN™ may be interpreted most fruitfully when the information is read metaphorically or intuitively. It most likely won't be of much use advising what to invest in or wager on and the authors do not intend it to be a crutch or substitute for mature and responsible decision-making. What it may do best—when used responsibly—is point out the underlying forces and tendencies at work in both the Subject's personality and the Subject's surroundings. Use it well.